Everything your saying right now is irrelevant so just stop replying i can give two shits about any other card. I have a ravens theme team and that’s the cards that i want.
Lol thanks well noted! I can’t wait to the next time someone cries or complains about a card that they have been wanting or waiting for. Y’all crack me up😂✌🏾
stop complaining, gilmore only has a 90 thats irrelevant but your ass is complaining about a 95 speed wr. smh
Everything your saying right now is irrelevant so just stop replying i can give two shits about any other card. I have a ravens theme team and that’s the cards that i want.
well you do know that you don’t get everything you want right? that’s just kinda how the world works
Lol thanks well noted! I can’t wait to the next time someone cries or complains about a card that they have been wanting or waiting for. Y’all crack me up😂✌🏾