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Yeah but he also kind of was overshadowed by JJ18, I understand their thinking, he’s not as much of a pop out star
That Xavien card art will be out dated soon
Lol yeah
Wasn’t thielen also hurt last year too?
Not much
I thought he was for a bit
He missed the game vs the panthers. So only 1 game.
I must be thinking of the year before then
Yeah he missed a lot of time that year. I think at least 5 games.
Yeah but he also kind of was overshadowed by JJ18, I understand their thinking, he’s not as much of a pop out star
That Xavien card art will be out dated soon
Lol yeah
Wasn’t thielen also hurt last year too?
Not much
I thought he was for a bit
He missed the game vs the panthers. So only 1 game.
I must be thinking of the year before then
Yeah he missed a lot of time that year. I think at least 5 games.