Just playing the last UL solo- up 24-0 with 10 seconds left in the 3rd and kicking off when the game did something weird. As I finished the kick meter, the kicker disappeared and I could see everything on the field from the viewpoint of the kicker. But the ball was still on the tee and two of my players were looking at it. The game would not progress, I was able to go to menu but everything was locked except exit game so that's what I did. Lost my progress to a ghost in the machine.This ever happened to you? How can this be happening this late in this games life?
Just playing the last UL solo- up 24-0 with 10 seconds left in the 3rd and kicking off when the game did something weird. As I finished the kick meter, the kicker disappeared and I could see everything on the field from the viewpoint of the kicker. But the ball was still on the tee and two of my players were looking at it. The game would not progress, I was able to go to menu but everything was locked except exit game so that's what I did. Lost my progress to a ghost in the machine.This ever happened to you? How can this be happening this late in this games life?