Renfrow is the only game day all star who met both his requirements yet he is the only one without a Power Up Card. All the other all stars will now be at the same OVR as Renfrow without earning it. BS EA. Someone sucks at their job, cough cough!
Dude what a joke. Went to go grab his power-up today now that he is good enough to start.... what do you know, they made sure the set wasnt worth doing after all, even after he was the only true performer.
Not to mention the disrespect w not giving him clutch trait. Hes very average without the Powerup!
Renfrow is the only game day all star who met both his requirements yet he is the only one without a Power Up Card. All the other all stars will now be at the same OVR as Renfrow without earning it. BS EA. Someone sucks at their job, cough cough!
Dude what a joke. Went to go grab his power-up today now that he is good enough to start.... what do you know, they made sure the set wasnt worth doing after all, even after he was the only true performer. Not to mention the disrespect w not giving him clutch trait. Hes very average without the Powerup!