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About Seymour, do you mean the 94 OVR? Costs about $250-$350k

Or do you mean the 95 OVR legend? (Seeing a price of $780k)


best route is building his power up and adding the 94 ovr at the end of the power up. you'll have him fully upgraded with the same stats as the 95 ovr but it'll be much cheaper.


Ok great. I didn’t know you could do that. Thanks!


no problem, you should at least use power ups for anyone you know is gonna be on the team for a while or is sure to get upgraded. for pats TT that's people like brandin cooks, antonio brown, or vince wilfork, or others who are definitely getting upgrades down the line such as randy moss or darrelle revis.


I don’t even really know how the power ups work to be honest. I gotta find a tutorial somewhere.

I know you can take a player and upgrade them in small increments by using training points. But it sounds like you are saying, I want to take that power up card (Seymour for example) and get it up to 95, there’s more involved than just training points.

Is there a specific item for the max upgrade? Like Seymour’s legend 94 OVR card? Or something else?


there's plenty of good videos on youtube explaining power ups, and yes you need seymour's 94 as the final step in his power up. the main benefit of power ups is it allows you to take that player and put a team chemistry of any team they ever played on. for example darrelle revis' card is of course going to have a jets team chem on it but he did play a bit in NE at the end of his career so when you get his power up you can put NE chemistry on his card and then he'll receive the theme team boosts.


Ok I went into my binder and poked around and I got it now. You’re right, this is much cheaper than paying for the card straight up. Thanks man this is a big help.