XD yeah sure bud. whatever makes you feel better. i know what ACTUALLY happened and you guys cant accept that I was right because you all hate me for whatever reason. but keep being in denial. i could tell you what ACTUALLY happened but you people cant handle it and would just say "NOPE YOUR WRONG, WE DONT LIKE YOU AND WONT ACCEPT THE FACT THAT YOUR CORRECT" none of my comments got reported, and deleted, now youre just making things up, twice youve been wrong. twice ive been correct. how did I insert a comment into a conversation if it got deleted? just stop, i was trying to be funny being a grammer nazi because he was typing REALLY shorthand, he edited his comment and STILL left out a word to make me look like a dickhead, you guys jumped on my ass because no one can handle anything, I went through and edited all my comments to make you guys realize that you can edit comments and they wont look like they were, and you STILL arent getting it, and have made up my comment got "reported." Im losing braincells as we speak here. THAT is what actually happened. but youll just tell me Im wrong and lying because no one can ever handle me being right about things if im not agreeing with them.
HEY HEY HEY! maybe if you guys would have listened to me instead of saying "NOPE YOURE WRONG" I would have said "Yeah my bad, that wasnt funny." But no, everyone wants to jump on my ass right away all the time. maybe open your mind a bit instead of jumping to insults all the time like you did in your last comment and I wouldnt have to spell it out word for word like i ALWAYS have to because no one thinks at all outside the box. Im all done now on this. you can send more insults my way if you want but I dont really care
Why is everyone saying I added a word? I was talking about the card art. Fellas are weird
Because you told him his sentence was wrong when it wasn’t, then proceeded to delete the comment where you said all that.
But you can’t delete comments that are made on Muthead. So not sure what you’re saying
It got reported then your comment isn’t there when you said you couldn’t read his comment cause there wasn’t the word, “that,” which made no sense
XD yeah sure bud. whatever makes you feel better. i know what ACTUALLY happened and you guys cant accept that I was right because you all hate me for whatever reason. but keep being in denial. i could tell you what ACTUALLY happened but you people cant handle it and would just say "NOPE YOUR WRONG, WE DONT LIKE YOU AND WONT ACCEPT THE FACT THAT YOUR CORRECT" none of my comments got reported, and deleted, now youre just making things up, twice youve been wrong. twice ive been correct. how did I insert a comment into a conversation if it got deleted? just stop, i was trying to be funny being a grammer nazi because he was typing REALLY shorthand, he edited his comment and STILL left out a word to make me look like a dickhead, you guys jumped on my ass because no one can handle anything, I went through and edited all my comments to make you guys realize that you can edit comments and they wont look like they were, and you STILL arent getting it, and have made up my comment got "reported." Im losing braincells as we speak here. THAT is what actually happened. but youll just tell me Im wrong and lying because no one can ever handle me being right about things if im not agreeing with them.
Dude stop you’re acting like a 12 year old whiny girl with these long ass paragraphs. That’s not funny at all and you’re obviously 11 if you think so.
HEY HEY HEY! maybe if you guys would have listened to me instead of saying "NOPE YOURE WRONG" I would have said "Yeah my bad, that wasnt funny." But no, everyone wants to jump on my ass right away all the time. maybe open your mind a bit instead of jumping to insults all the time like you did in your last comment and I wouldnt have to spell it out word for word like i ALWAYS have to because no one thinks at all outside the box. Im all done now on this. you can send more insults my way if you want but I dont really care