It takes roughly 3.85 days to accumulate the required brew and 3.05 days to accumulate the required potion, so a slight edge to brew. Some of the potion will be player specific so focus on building your uncommons and rares until you know who you want. I have the math saved that breaks down each build to how many uncommons, rares, brew and potions, while also breaking down the uncommons and rares to brew and potion, etc. I may craft a guide is stu or someone else does not. I mainly wanted to see how F2P the promo is. I'll work on the math for the free event chain and nightly event next but by my estimation when accounted for it will knock a day or two off the build which would give you that time to grind trophies.
Edit: It takes 5.32 days to get the required brew. Two select iconics or one foil should still be possible F2P. I'm still tinkering with the math.
Edit#2: Once I got a chance to sit down, I found a huge era in my math. It actually takes 6.10 days to get the required potion for an iconic select. This promo is horrible for the F2P and not even good for the casual spender. This company sucks.
Do we need to focus more on potions or witches brew?
It takes roughly 3.85 days to accumulate the required brew and 3.05 days to accumulate the required potion, so a slight edge to brew. Some of the potion will be player specific so focus on building your uncommons and rares until you know who you want. I have the math saved that breaks down each build to how many uncommons, rares, brew and potions, while also breaking down the uncommons and rares to brew and potion, etc. I may craft a guide is stu or someone else does not. I mainly wanted to see how F2P the promo is. I'll work on the math for the free event chain and nightly event next but by my estimation when accounted for it will knock a day or two off the build which would give you that time to grind trophies.
Edit: It takes 5.32 days to get the required brew. Two select iconics or one foil should still be possible F2P. I'm still tinkering with the math.
Edit#2: Once I got a chance to sit down, I found a huge era in my math. It actually takes 6.10 days to get the required potion for an iconic select. This promo is horrible for the F2P and not even good for the casual spender. This company sucks.
Edited by D_Stuffing
Yeah I built one rare player so far and have about one tenth of the brew for an iconic.....and events don't give players.