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Sets are messy but you can filter them like in the AH.

Solo battles are how you mainly will get your XP for reg pass and the competition pass. You'll need to check the 3/4 passes to see what cards you need in your lineup to help complete the extra promo passes. Doing your daily is also key to xp. Some don't get stuff registering for passes for just be aware.

Overalls vary. But 93 is probably max in the game.

Hispanic heritage 4 cards 88's are all worth doing as well as the MF 4 free cards you can boost them to 89's

Sets have a key on the bottom left corner. Some sets give you back the cards you put in as BND. So you can sell the set card and get 87+ overall cards to play with for super cheap. If you're good at sniping you could make profit lol.

Most new Totw players are 500k + to start.