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HEY HEY HEY! maybe if you guys would have listened to me instead of saying "NOPE YOURE WRONG" I would have said "Yeah my bad, that wasnt funny." But no, everyone wants to jump on my ass right away all the time. maybe open your mind a bit instead of jumping to insults all the time like you did in your last comment and I wouldnt have to spell it out word for word like i ALWAYS have to because no one thinks at all outside the box. Im all done now on this. you can send more insults my way if you want but I dont really care

Because you gave a shitty comment that I don’t think was sarcastic at all

-2 points

You bet bud thumbs up


The more you say, the less people listen. Make your words powerful #Say_less

Are explanations necessary? Who are you really arguing with? #rhetorical

Good luck to you!