They are all the same. I once watched in Scomo stream to collect drops, I questioned why we had to watch seven consecutive ads, to which I had a mod start attacking me calling me a broke boi because I refuse to sub. I was told top quality content isn’t free. To which I responded opening packs and losing games is not top content. Ban. Soft as a babies bottom
What’s crazy is the longevity of these guys in madden is incredibly short lived as well. Look at how quick the turnover is in the mcs and the top streamers. I hope the ones that make money are smart with it because no one wants to see their grandfather open packs!
They are all the same. I once watched in Scomo stream to collect drops, I questioned why we had to watch seven consecutive ads, to which I had a mod start attacking me calling me a broke boi because I refuse to sub. I was told top quality content isn’t free. To which I responded opening packs and losing games is not top content. Ban. Soft as a babies bottom
It's a whole other level of nerdom that I can't fathom, bro.😂 and to think those mods are hanging out there for free.🤣🤣🤣
Nah most are paying real $$ monthly to SUBscribe to them as well. So even worse
I’m old and unsure but is this an example of simping?
What’s crazy is the longevity of these guys in madden is incredibly short lived as well. Look at how quick the turnover is in the mcs and the top streamers. I hope the ones that make money are smart with it because no one wants to see their grandfather open packs!
That same thing just happened again like an hour ago. I guess he didn’t see my comments or I’d be banned as well