Nope. Curse owned the site when it was created. They were bought by Amazon/Twitch. Then Fandom bought it from them. Just because people worked here doesn't mean they "owned" it. There's a big difference.
Curse didn’t own Muthead / Futhead when it was created. Legend sold it to Curse in ‘13. Fandom bought Curse in ‘19. Legend and Rocketz still ran it until ‘21 when they cashed out again and started Him and Rocketz currently dba Stormstrike Inc. absolutely own
Muthead and Futhead were founded by different people at different times under very different circumstances. But to make your story work, I guess it helps to conflate stories and people. Legend isn't even mentioned in either of your articles.
Nobody mentioned in the first article you linked is Rocketz, Legend, or myself.
Muthead was indeed founded under Curse's ownership. The company owned it from the first day Muthead existed. Why would anyone need to lie about this? lol
Rocketz owns now, you got that part half right. Legend or myself do not.
I don't know where you get your information from or how you come to the conclusions that you do, but they are so far off base.
You are saying Dan Paulson who as referenced founded via Stormstrike with Rocketz, and is also referenced below as founding Futhead is NOT Legend? Crazy. Tell us more to set the record straight.
If Curse bought the site in 2013 (per the article) but the site started in 2011/2012, how does this make sense?
Yes, that's what I'm telling you. I'm not sure what more to tell you other than Dan and Legend are 2 completely different people. And no, my name isn't Dan either.
Rocketz and I started a forum site called MUTevolution (Evo for short) in 2011 that had a few hundred active members. It was a very small site with a few forum sections and a live chat box. That's pretty much it, nothing fancy. There was no player database, lineup builder, mini-games, or any bells and whistles like you saw on MH before or see today. After acquiring Futhead, Curse was looking to build more sports sites and they found Rocketz from the small site he had built (Evo). They hired him to build Muthead for them and since they were a big company, that meant the MUT community could get a way better site than just a few forum sections and chat box like Evo had. That's where MH came from and that's why you see data from 2011/12, BEFORE "" was actually created. Before you say Rocketz "sold" Evo, he really didn't. Curse wanted him, not the existing site. Moving the few hundred existing members was the right thing to do instead of leaving them with a dead URL and deleting the previous site's history. Evo itself probably wasn't worth a $50 Best Buy gift card lol.
I can personally attest to what Wizzle is saying here as I was a member of MUT EVO and my original account cjh411 was moved over to Muthead when the transfer happened which is what brought me here in the first place. I think the account was lost when this site updated some years ago, wish there was a way to get it back! If you remember a guy with a cool Rondo avatar and sig, that was me!
One piece of info I’d like to add (correct me if I’m wrong) is that the MUT community pretty much spawned from the original EA forums back in 2010 before they became a massive cesspool and caused people to branch off to other sites. There’s still some guys I remember on here from the original forums which is pretty cool to see.
You are correct and I do remember you now that you mention the Rondo Avatar. We all started on the EA forums in 2010 before a group of us left to create UMF. Only a few months in, the owners of UMF were talking about charging members $20 a month just to let ppl in the doors and to be considered a "trusted trader", which I and a few others had a major problem with. We got lucky and met Rocketz who didn't even play MUT at the time but had a strategy site for regs called maddenevolution. We explained the current situation to him and he agreed to create MUTEvo for free so our community could make a home and not have to pay extortion fees to greedy site owners just to not get scammed. Rocketz started trying out MUT and the rest is history. Whether you use this site or GG, we are ALL better off in the MUT community because of Rocketz.
I really do appreciate the history, and this all is accurate afaik. I'm still trying to understand how Dan develops Futhead in a vacuum... then you and Rocketz develop Muthead (off Evo), and they have nothing to do with each other despite both being owned by Curse then in 2013. Because then in '21 after the whole Fandom purchase in '19, at a minimum, Dan, Rocketz, and you break off to make So clearly you all know each other well enough to start an independent business venture.
I think we've gotten off the original point of this thread though, and that's where you've steered the conversation away from. And WdX locked the thread before Legend chimed in... the relationship between Muthead and to EA. As much as Legend was claiming there's absolutely no link, these two sites still are the only two with exclusive access to MUT APIs to obtain player item data and real-time auction house info. You (and hats off because you do a great job) provide write-ups on new program drops because TJ's GMM dog and pony show really doesn't cut it for a lot of these more complex programs (e.g. TT Remix). So clearly you have connections and information directly from EA Orlando / MUT on these new programs.
I can't speak for you, but Dan has Orlando ties, as does Rocketz. And clearly (Stormstrike Inc.) has an affiliate or partnership agreement that was signed with Electronic Arts in order to have access to the APIs (and early program info), but also these wheels needed to be greased on the backend for to even start as a business in the first place. In order to stay in business, you need to keep this API access, thus you are beholden to EA's whims to some degree. For Legend to claim there's absolutely no business relationship (influence / dollars) between, Rocketz, Dan, and EA Orlando, is an affront to common sense.
It's all accurate because I was there for it all. I didn't arrive years later and create my own adventure story like you're doing. I didn't start Muthead, Rocketz did when he went to Curse. Honestly, there is no benefit in trying to correct your misinformation because you clearly have an agenda to tell a story that has a certain outcome. It doesn't matter what the actual facts are or how much stuff you have to make up to get there.
Nope. Curse owned the site when it was created. They were bought by Amazon/Twitch. Then Fandom bought it from them. Just because people worked here doesn't mean they "owned" it. There's a big difference.
Thought you guys owned the site when it was created. My bad.
Curse didn’t own Muthead / Futhead when it was created. Legend sold it to Curse in ‘13. Fandom bought Curse in ‘19. Legend and Rocketz still ran it until ‘21 when they cashed out again and started Him and Rocketz currently dba Stormstrike Inc. absolutely own
Edited by gbwisc
I don't know where you get your information from or how you come to the conclusions that you do, but they are so far off base.
Edited by WizzLe
You are saying Dan Paulson who as referenced founded via Stormstrike with Rocketz, and is also referenced below as founding Futhead is NOT Legend? Crazy. Tell us more to set the record straight.
If Curse bought the site in 2013 (per the article) but the site started in 2011/2012, how does this make sense?
Edited by gbwisc
Yes, that's what I'm telling you. I'm not sure what more to tell you other than Dan and Legend are 2 completely different people. And no, my name isn't Dan either.
Rocketz and I started a forum site called MUTevolution (Evo for short) in 2011 that had a few hundred active members. It was a very small site with a few forum sections and a live chat box. That's pretty much it, nothing fancy. There was no player database, lineup builder, mini-games, or any bells and whistles like you saw on MH before or see today. After acquiring Futhead, Curse was looking to build more sports sites and they found Rocketz from the small site he had built (Evo). They hired him to build Muthead for them and since they were a big company, that meant the MUT community could get a way better site than just a few forum sections and chat box like Evo had. That's where MH came from and that's why you see data from 2011/12, BEFORE "" was actually created. Before you say Rocketz "sold" Evo, he really didn't. Curse wanted him, not the existing site. Moving the few hundred existing members was the right thing to do instead of leaving them with a dead URL and deleting the previous site's history. Evo itself probably wasn't worth a $50 Best Buy gift card lol.
Edited by WizzLe
I can personally attest to what Wizzle is saying here as I was a member of MUT EVO and my original account cjh411 was moved over to Muthead when the transfer happened which is what brought me here in the first place. I think the account was lost when this site updated some years ago, wish there was a way to get it back! If you remember a guy with a cool Rondo avatar and sig, that was me!
One piece of info I’d like to add (correct me if I’m wrong) is that the MUT community pretty much spawned from the original EA forums back in 2010 before they became a massive cesspool and caused people to branch off to other sites. There’s still some guys I remember on here from the original forums which is pretty cool to see.
You are correct and I do remember you now that you mention the Rondo Avatar. We all started on the EA forums in 2010 before a group of us left to create UMF. Only a few months in, the owners of UMF were talking about charging members $20 a month just to let ppl in the doors and to be considered a "trusted trader", which I and a few others had a major problem with. We got lucky and met Rocketz who didn't even play MUT at the time but had a strategy site for regs called maddenevolution. We explained the current situation to him and he agreed to create MUTEvo for free so our community could make a home and not have to pay extortion fees to greedy site owners just to not get scammed. Rocketz started trying out MUT and the rest is history. Whether you use this site or GG, we are ALL better off in the MUT community because of Rocketz.
Ea forums were legendary 😫😫
I really do appreciate the history, and this all is accurate afaik. I'm still trying to understand how Dan develops Futhead in a vacuum... then you and Rocketz develop Muthead (off Evo), and they have nothing to do with each other despite both being owned by Curse then in 2013. Because then in '21 after the whole Fandom purchase in '19, at a minimum, Dan, Rocketz, and you break off to make So clearly you all know each other well enough to start an independent business venture.
I think we've gotten off the original point of this thread though, and that's where you've steered the conversation away from. And WdX locked the thread before Legend chimed in... the relationship between Muthead and to EA. As much as Legend was claiming there's absolutely no link, these two sites still are the only two with exclusive access to MUT APIs to obtain player item data and real-time auction house info. You (and hats off because you do a great job) provide write-ups on new program drops because TJ's GMM dog and pony show really doesn't cut it for a lot of these more complex programs (e.g. TT Remix). So clearly you have connections and information directly from EA Orlando / MUT on these new programs.
I can't speak for you, but Dan has Orlando ties, as does Rocketz. And clearly (Stormstrike Inc.) has an affiliate or partnership agreement that was signed with Electronic Arts in order to have access to the APIs (and early program info), but also these wheels needed to be greased on the backend for to even start as a business in the first place. In order to stay in business, you need to keep this API access, thus you are beholden to EA's whims to some degree. For Legend to claim there's absolutely no business relationship (influence / dollars) between, Rocketz, Dan, and EA Orlando, is an affront to common sense.
It's all accurate because I was there for it all. I didn't arrive years later and create my own adventure story like you're doing. I didn't start Muthead, Rocketz did when he went to Curse. Honestly, there is no benefit in trying to correct your misinformation because you clearly have an agenda to tell a story that has a certain outcome. It doesn't matter what the actual facts are or how much stuff you have to make up to get there.
You’re tripping.