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My teams 84/84 and I do ok. I don't run meta. If your issue is getting sacked a lot then try a west coast scheme. Short quick passes, check downs. It works well for the meta blitzes. The big issue with this game is everyone wants to throw the ball deep all the time so a decent blitz will get them. Shorten your reads and you'll be fine. The west coast book is good, as is the spread book for that kind of play. I try to throw bombs too but if I see someone doing these blitzes every play ill pop them for 5 plus yards a play and be fine with it. I get messages from players complaining about it sometimes saying its "sissy" stuff, but I could argue that youtube blitzes are way more "sissy". Take what is given.


Exact same scenario... I have 84/84 overall team and struggle on champs games once they switched to all madden... My online can't hold blocks long enough a lot of the time to let anything develop long (sometimes even short)..., Get lots of guys complaining on mic or messages saying same stuff they are saying to you, but just gotta play short or mid routes (occasional deep ball) and run.... I end up doing decent this way.... Just play to what works for you and don't let those peeps influence you into bad decisions that result in turnovers.