Just Bumping this up to the top of inbox.
IDK about others, the lag is worse than before. So since the new update it is worse, cleared my my local storage and cashe' . Still no increase in speed, it seems that EA & the servers don't care a lick. Auction house is one of the fun aspects of the game. I am sure if the purchasing of packs was broken they would be conducting emergency maintenance to correct the issue, since it's the auction house and doesn't make them $$$$ , it is not a priority to fix.
Shame on you EA , you know this is an issue and you are ignoring it.
Just Bumping this up to the top of inbox. IDK about others, the lag is worse than before. So since the new update it is worse, cleared my my local storage and cashe' . Still no increase in speed, it seems that EA & the servers don't care a lick. Auction house is one of the fun aspects of the game. I am sure if the purchasing of packs was broken they would be conducting emergency maintenance to correct the issue, since it's the auction house and doesn't make them $$$$ , it is not a priority to fix.
Shame on you EA , you know this is an issue and you are ignoring it.