
Back to I’m the one who got Mr. Agent Sochi perma banned on mutgg

Single thread,

Kids back with Mom? I feel sorry for them. Watching you yell and scream at a video game. Spending all your time on social media crying. Father of the year!


Bow down then little boy. I’ll send you back to your momma in worse shape than them

Edited by boredforcarnage


Anytime, sweet cheeks! It’s easy to see that you’re nothing more than a mouth.


We don’t wanna talk about mouths with your momma mentioned, speaking of “sweet cheeks”


I see another one of your alts got banned. In talks with EA 🤔. Let us know how that goes😂.


🥱 Nice try kiddo. Pretty sure you’re the one banned over there 😂


You got me. Although I’m not the one telling your lover boy Pete that I’m starting a new website and my lawyers are in talks with EA. That’s you 🤡. Can’t make this sh** up. Like EA would sponsor a psychotic clown like yourself. Keep us in the loop!😂

Edited by theoregun