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🥱 Go back to school.


Ohhh here’s one of the guys that defended this game for years and came at me always when saying all the things that people say today about the game 🤣

problem was I was saying these things years ago 🤷‍♂️ Now here’s his only rebuttal when I get actual facts from Google…. Go back to school. 🥱

Fight fight fight 🇺🇸

Edited by Dreverse


You had me at Fight Fight Fight. 🇺🇸 I'm still gonna jump on 25 around Halloween. I admit the money grab and glitchy game play is inevitable but, it's better than nothing.


Agreed 👍

Listen …as terrible and a scam Mut is I have decided to give it up It’s just too much time-consuming and the packs was are just terrible all year 🤮 There’s not enough at least for me to stay involved in a mode that doesn’t give back, but because I love the NFL so much ❤️ i definitely will check out the regs at some point -But for now, I’m just gonna stay on the college game it has zero abilities and feels more fun which i have totally forgotten about playing MUT for that I’m staying far away from anything that has to do with Mut or CUT. The carrot 🥕 chase is over for me

Edited by Dreverse