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Every situation different and every team is different. I run 3-4 with massive pass rush and press corners. If I am blitzing using pinch buck 0, I user the MLB thats not blitzing. Why, anyone that knows I am blitzing will most likely do crossing pattern ( because thats how you beat pinch buck 0) and as the MLB user you can get picks from them rushing the throw. If I am doing anything else I user the SS and bring him up close to stop any stretches but if I see no stretch I starting running him to cover receivers that are breaking open. Is it perfect no but if you play casually like me it works a lot and I am not stressing about not knowing every formation and plays. I don't know if this will work for everyone but it work for my team. Moving to learn more big dime because that's been working for me to stop more scramble QB than 3-4.