
Back to This years “ new currency “ is low-key gambling

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I'd say MUT has always been "normal-key" gambling.  I don't mean that negatively or positively.  It is what it is.  There wouldn't be much on the AH if we didn't have sharks buying tons of MUT bundles, for the chance of hitting big cards.

As for monetary value.  I used to play a lot of MMORPGs.  World of Warcraft, Everquest, etc...Way back in high school, I made a few thousand selling Everquest items until Sony banned the practice.  There are also MMORPGs like Second Life where buying/selling virtual goods is expected.  People have somehow made millions off of games like that.  Buying and selling virtual real estate, etc...

I'm not breaking any of Madden's rules, but I do know that plenty of people assign real world value to virtual items.  Regardless of arguments that developers try to make.