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Quote from Dcab >> Quote from Blahofstars >> nah, they wouldnt drop moss and deion on the same weekend... they'd probably spread them out to maximize pack sales

 I mean, they just dropped LT and Vick lol

IMHO the combination of their repeated screwups peaking with the fall forward glitch, combined with the effect of OP chems, may have cost them alot of MUT users early. We don't see their revenue figures but when they dropped LT/Vick together I smelled desperation. The theme team angle this year is one of the great changes IMHO, however, they don't do a very good job of feeding us weekly guys for each team. In my case, waiting for Charger cards I can use has been awhile for one now, and that hurts my engagement. Not many changes made to my roster lately, I was able to fill a bunch of bench slots through Team Builders to boost my team chems to 40/50, but really nothing since.