Well at least what EA thinks is content that they’re blessing us with.
Then to release these shitty Draft players that are useless.
Just pathetic!!!
Even most of the first rounders were garbage for most people’s teams.
EA doesn’t realize that they are only hurting themselves. Yeah you can go ahead and say that the year is over. But MUT 19’s Gameplay was atrocious. I believe a lot of gamers are still on the fence on whether or not they want to buy Madden 20.
EA should be working overtime to release tons of content, continue to fix gameplay, and kiss our asses. Instead they have chosen to do the opposite. This will cost them a lot of money in the long run. They’re just to arrogant and ignorant to understand that.
As bad as MUT 19 is, even this late in the year if EA had chosen to release great promos and exciting cards I still would’ve been stupid enough to drop real money on packs this late in the year.
It’s bad enough that they split the content up.
Well at least what EA thinks is content that they’re blessing us with.
Then to release these shitty Draft players that are useless.
Just pathetic!!!
Even most of the first rounders were garbage for most people’s teams.
EA doesn’t realize that they are only hurting themselves. Yeah you can go ahead and say that the year is over. But MUT 19’s Gameplay was atrocious. I believe a lot of gamers are still on the fence on whether or not they want to buy Madden 20.
EA should be working overtime to release tons of content, continue to fix gameplay, and kiss our asses. Instead they have chosen to do the opposite. This will cost them a lot of money in the long run. They’re just to arrogant and ignorant to understand that.
As bad as MUT 19 is, even this late in the year if EA had chosen to release great promos and exciting cards I still would’ve been stupid enough to drop real money on packs this late in the year.