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Quote from Y4wgm0th >> Quote from jessewyatt77 >> Pure laziness...the whole Madden development team has a half assed approach to their job. The last couple years have been a joke, I don't see it getting any better. 

 Yeah a bit sad there's still almost 2 months til M20 but M19 is a graveyard (especially on PC). Is what it is though.

 You're right it is what it is. I honestly can say I won't buy 20. I devoted a decent amount of time to 18, quite a bit less in 19. I still do my daily objectives and get to ultimate on the sb every week. I think some of that is ocd on my part. I wish they'd at least put out some more power ups. The whole Roger Saffold getting that 99 with Titans chem really burnt my ass when I had all his other cards just knowing he'd get an upgrade with a power up. Needless to say I still use the 94 team builder card. I did enjoy putting my theme teams together though. I have an all Saints, an all Rams, and a Saints/Rams.