
Back to Live playbooks (Saints offense)

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You can read about every details on those title update articles. But usually about 300 plays in a playbook. Out 3 OR 4 plays on live playbooks. Hard to recognize. Most of the time it is NOT New formation just new routes. Ands maybe they refreshed about like 10 PBooks So deffinetly not 32 new playbook. Theres literraly less then third of PBooks and modified ONLy 1 perecent of a PBook.

Do not understand why it is importált to ea. But if they would like to get up-to-date with it, they have to start in szeptember. Not when the reg season is already over by far. Not calculate but its around 8 weeks later RealLife season has finnished.

I hope it helps a bit. Good luc k 4 U Mate ;)