
Back to NFL Free Agency Program: Part I

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This is dumb, you can’t put Vikings chem on Anthony Harris, you can’t put any team chem on him! I’m pissed, this promo sux!!!!!! EA sux!!!!!! 2k 2k 2k 2k 2k!!!!!!!


You must have never played 2k in recent years then... as bad as Madden seems it is miles better than 2k


2k football hasn’t been a thing for about 15 years!


2k5 played through a 4k emulator is waaaaaayyyyy better than madden


Pretty sure hes talking about nba 2k, which is 10000x worse then madden right now.


Thanks, finally someone with a brain... I said recent years lmao for anyone talking about 2k5

They would both make better games if they were forced to compete.


because that's worked out great for nba live v nba 2k...

Lol, so having two football sims will make them both worse? That's not how capitalism works.


no, it just wouldn't change anything. having 2 basketball sims doesn't change anything, 2k still makes absolute garbage & gets away with it. the games won't get better unless people start demanding quality instead of going along with the company's wishes. the people have to vote with their wallets, not their voices, because that's the only thing companies will listen to. take gillette for example; they made heavily politicized ads & people stopped buying their shit, so they lost like $3 million, & stopped with the political ads. they lose enough money, they'll fix their shit. or for another example: star wars battlefront 2. wen it came out, it was absolute garbage, full of microtransactions & lootboxes. however, people stopped buying it, so they fixed it. now you may be thinking: "well, if that's the case, then 2 football sims would lead to people not buying the worse 1"... but that thinking is wrong, because worse doesn't always mean less popular. let's take another look at 2k20 vs live 20. live 20 is the better game, but 2k20 is more popular, therefore 2k20 sells better, even if it's an absolute dumpster fire.

Yeah let's just sit on our hands and hope EA has a change of heart.

You're just repeating everything I've already said on here. Lmfao. I'm one person. I can't vote with my wallet alone. So I'm out here letting people know there's a fight. I'm done with EA and you all should be, too. We have freedom of speech for a reason, and I'm going to continue exercising it. Would we have foiled EA on SW Battlefront 2 if we hadn't all banded together and let each other know about the bs EA was up to with those loot boxes? No. If they made it to final release it would've been too late and that game would be even worse.

Edited by bolt_gang_all_day

"People need to demand quality," but also don't use your voice because, "people have to vote with their wallets, not their voices." If you don't use your voice, how will they know your demands?