He plays really good against the run especially if it's against counters or stretch. Hes a little too slow for pitches and qb options. He also can get to the qb quite a bit and even if he doesn't sack him he causes pressure. All I have on him is run stopper ×3 and sprinter.
Nope, I haven't checked out what abilities he has but my abilities are on my OLB's and My CB 1 Casey is a little slow but if you have a fast LE next to him he pushes the line alot and frees up the others for sacks
He plays really good against the run especially if it's against counters or stretch. Hes a little too slow for pitches and qb options. He also can get to the qb quite a bit and even if he doesn't sack him he causes pressure. All I have on him is run stopper ×3 and sprinter.
And you don’t have any abilities on him either? I know last year he was a pass rushing montser in madden last year
Nope, I haven't checked out what abilities he has but my abilities are on my OLB's and My CB 1 Casey is a little slow but if you have a fast LE next to him he pushes the line alot and frees up the others for sacks
Thanks, I usually have either Cam jordan or buckner or howie long on the inside. Ill sell the d-law and try him out