Pulled 4 and got two Singletary's and a few of the lower pieces plus an 86 Elway and an 88 Henderson. Sold off the excess and sniped the other expensive set pieces (some poor guy sold Jimmy GQ to me for 65k) for Hill only to sell him. All said, those 4 packs turned into a ~100k gain. Definitely one of the better buys for me this year
Pulled 4 and got two Singletary's and a few of the lower pieces plus an 86 Elway and an 88 Henderson. Sold off the excess and sniped the other expensive set pieces (some poor guy sold Jimmy GQ to me for 65k) for Hill only to sell him. All said, those 4 packs turned into a ~100k gain. Definitely one of the better buys for me this year