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Quote from skyedawg99 >> 100% EA runs bots,

During most feared when the AH was supposed to be locked but u could use it from the app,  posted 20 of the same 79 rated player and 6 or 7 would sell instantly for insanely high prices just because I was undercutting the current market, no way people were buying the 7 of the same cards in under 1 second without it even being a desirable card

Example the market for 79 mark Barron was say 18k at the time cause he was enraged and u could only sell him on the app, if i posted 20 mark Barron for say 11k , 7 of them would instantly sell as I posted them all at the same time on the app in bulk within 1 second

So basically EA runs a program to keep prices at a certain level by buying out cheaper cards based on current market prices