I am a vet game who has put time into games in the past, and played them for years, like MMOs for example.
Its just astounding how much time, effort, and whatever else you can put into this game with very little to show for it.
some people will say "Oh I can get 120 wins in 10 hours", I dunno if they lying, probably so, but the rest of the crowd which is probably 90% of the player base is not trying, taking a week, 3 days, whatever it is, just to gain 1 above average card.
let that sync in for a minute, most games I know dont take 3 days to gain a decent item, even when playing MMOs I can get competitive stuff in 8 hr setting or less and it not be repetitive.
Im so burnt out on this game right now because not only is this games competition a glitch fest with alot of cheese, but building teams to get 89-90+ OVR has almost become a joke, like you dont want to do it because the state of competition, xfactors, abilities, glitches, its like trying to build a team over the course of 6 months to go and get slaughtered, so much wrong with this game and too much to explain whats wrong.
I am a vet game who has put time into games in the past, and played them for years, like MMOs for example.
Its just astounding how much time, effort, and whatever else you can put into this game with very little to show for it.
some people will say "Oh I can get 120 wins in 10 hours", I dunno if they lying, probably so, but the rest of the crowd which is probably 90% of the player base is not trying, taking a week, 3 days, whatever it is, just to gain 1 above average card.
let that sync in for a minute, most games I know dont take 3 days to gain a decent item, even when playing MMOs I can get competitive stuff in 8 hr setting or less and it not be repetitive.
Im so burnt out on this game right now because not only is this games competition a glitch fest with alot of cheese, but building teams to get 89-90+ OVR has almost become a joke, like you dont want to do it because the state of competition, xfactors, abilities, glitches, its like trying to build a team over the course of 6 months to go and get slaughtered, so much wrong with this game and too much to explain whats wrong.