
Any tips on how to generate funds? Feel like I'm always in the minus...

I play owner mode. I have popular players with high personality ratings to sell jerseys. Just got a new stadium built my 4th year in for more revenue options. I play sim style so I do lose some home and away games as my league sims 8 games a year and play 8 for more random outcomes to the season instead of everybody just beating up the CPU... but is literally going undefeated, hosting multiple playoff games, winning every SB the ONLY way to generate revenue to stay afloat? I have done GodModeFntasyDraftTeams in Franchise Mode in prior Madden releases, but that is so boring to me nowadays, as I get older and want a more sim style franchise, but it seems like the only way I have ever can make money is to go undefeated/SB winner all the time.

Any tips would be great!


Rough crowd...




I play owner mode. I have popular players with high personality ratings to sell jerseys. Just got a new stadium built my 4th year in for more revenue options. I play sim style so I do lose some home and away games as my league sims 8 games a year and play 8 for more random outcomes to the season instead of everybody just beating up the CPU... but is literally going undefeated, hosting multiple playoff games, winning every SB the ONLY way to generate revenue to stay afloat? I have done GodModeFntasyDraftTeams in Franchise Mode in prior Madden releases, but that is so boring to me nowadays, as I get older and want a more sim style franchise, but it seems like the only way I have ever can make money is to go undefeated/SB winner all the time.

Any tips would be great!