Had another thought while perusing another thread. Someone was questioning the need for so many levels and game styles and whether or not they were necessary and asked why can't the players just play to their ratings. Here are my thoughts and a way to resolve this issue that I think a lot of Madden players have:
Add one more game style called "authentic" - have it available for all levels above pro and the settings are straight up 100% player ratings/stats/etc dictate the on field play. Boosts from chems would apply as well so if you've invested in chems to improve your players you get that benefit as well. This ensures Jadeveon Clowney on a 50/50 Texans team plays differently from out of position Clowney on a mix/match team running BD Chem or whatever.
Now you have all the different levels and styles to attract beginners, keep casual players happy, and a style for players who simply want the players they've chosen to play to their expectations.
Quote from rkwithrow22 >> Position Changes that would be nice are LG/RG, LT/RT, FS/SS, LOLB/ROLB, LOLB/LE and ROLB/RE for the chemistry benefits. Not sure about letting all cards be assigned to any team, but maybe like some other people suggested restricting it to former teams would be nice. These are all small differences outside of gameplay (which we all know is a mess and wont get into), but they're important for us as fans of our favorite teams or our favorite players. EA needs to look at FUT for some inspiration on this kind of stuff haha
Position changes, player numbers and team changes seem to be some of the most wanted requests (besides game play fixes of course but this is not what this thread is about)
Position Changes that would be nice are LG/RG, LT/RT, FS/SS, LOLB/ROLB, LOLB/LE and ROLB/RE for the chemistry benefits. Not sure about letting all cards be assigned to any team, but maybe like some other people suggested restricting it to former teams would be nice. These are all small differences outside of gameplay (which we all know is a mess and wont get into), but they're important for us as fans of our favorite teams or our favorite players. EA needs to look at FUT for some inspiration on this kind of stuff haha
Had another thought after reading a thread on the frustration of playing H2H online. I'm sure there are plenty of members in the community who, like myself and the OP in the thread I was reading, are about average players and stick mostly to solos and solo battles because H2H can be overwhelming, or takes a lot of time to learn the nuances of adjustments and such - plus be able to read a formation, decipher a player's tendencies and make those adjustments in 9 seconds or worse, no seconds when someone is running hurry up.
My suggestion: Unranked H2H. Matchmaking using number of online games played and team OVR as parts of the criteria - that way both players are at about the same experience level and 70s rated players aren't chasing after a bunch of 90s
Rewards can be given out for winning an unranked championship but keep them low enough to not attract people wanting to exploit the system & attractive enough to make it satisfying for participants.
Quote from aliaslloyd >> I agree with most your points except for being able to give any player the team chem of your choice. If they did that then everyone would have +3 SPD, AGI, JMP, STR etc. I'd rather see the ability to change the team chem on all cards instead of just power ups.
The ability to change a player to any number would be awesome. I hate have duplicate numbers on my team so much that I'll avoid cards.
Honestly, I did not even consider team chemistry and the boosts from having 50 players on from the same team. Taking that away would also negate the motivation/benefit from team themes as well. Allowing all cards to change team chem but only to former teams would probably work just fine.
I agree with most your points except for being able to give any player the team chem of your choice. If they did that then everyone would have +3 SPD, AGI, JMP, STR etc. I'd rather see the ability to change the team chem on all cards instead of just power ups.
The ability to change a player to any number would be awesome. I hate have duplicate numbers on my team so much that I'll avoid cards.
Quote from Thain >> It would be helpful but each version has its own card with unique art. Not sure how custom numbers could be implemented.
One user suggested making it a column in the depth chart which is fine. It could also be done in the upgrade screen where you select team chemistry.
I see your point about the number not corresponding with the card art and it is a valid point but if EA isn't going to pay attention to details like this and assign the correct numbers then why not allow the user to fix it for them?
It would be helpful but each version has its own card with unique art. Not sure how custom numbers could be implemented.
After reading a thread where someone got the Flashback Jordy Nelson and found that his jersey number was incorrect it made me think of another little feature that would be nice to have. The ability to customize jersey numbers. I have yet to see this in either MUT or HUT but I would be nice. Even if the options were restricted to numbers that player actually wore.
For example - I have fully powered up Randy Moss on my Patriots themed team. He has Patriots team chemistry but his top legend card was when he was a Viking and wore #84. There were 2 incremental version of his Legend that were Patriots cards and he wore 81. It would be great if you could either select the number he wore with the team you have chosen or if it even recognized the team chem and changed it for you.
Ideally full customization would be the ideal but I would be perfectly happy with the number being chosen based on team chemistry.
One more thought, in my initial post I suggested being able to choose any team chem for any card would be ideal and if this were to be part of the game then complete jersey number customization would have to be available as well.
This early in the season I didn't want to start a "what do you want to see in Madden 20" thread. However since thoughts fly in and out of my head so quickly I wanted to make note of things as they come to me.
So - one of my favorite things about this year is the level of customization and flexibility we have. The power up system is a great idea although it could use a little polish but having that flexibility is great.
To build on that here are some changes I think would enhance that.
Positions - I'm sure this has been discussed before but let's have some flexibility here. Instead of restricting guards, tackles, defensive lineman and linebackers to right side/left side simply make them generic. Better still, attach a cost to changing them. If you want to change your RT to LT then have a "change position" card that you can apply. They had these in EA NHL a while back. You can even make them specific - ROLB to LOLB, etc.