I feel like 19 is the best game I've played in years, but I've also switched platform from XB1 to PC this year. I have been extremely impressed at how much smoother and faster this game runs on my PC (I meet all recommended specs), and being constantly on the go I love the versatility of having it on my laptop. The difference in graphics is very noticeable.
The big winner on the PC vs XB1 for me is the loading time between screens, which in the past has been absolutely horrifying on the XB1, making MUT grinding less appealing. The downside to the PC is a rather limited marketplace compared to the consoles, and online matching (especially for SQUADS) is limited due to less people using the platform.
My two cents, though I have several other minor criticisms. Would be very interested to know what kind of sluggishness you all are observing.
Personally I feel as if Madden 18 was a much smoother game. Both games have their pros and cons but the running animations in this game just feel awkward to me.