
Power Ups- Something needs to change.

Power ups have been something most of the community has had an issue with this entire year.  Personally I didn't mind them because I was going to upgrade players I wanted to use all year. I knew my Giants were going to be upgraded but I waited for reasonable prices so I didn't feel like I was flushing coins down the toilet (I just recently purchased DRC for 35k instead of the 600k+ he was selling for early on). The issue with Power ups had to do with the cards becoming NAT after putting them into the set. I'm not sure why EA went that route but I accepted it early on and that prevented me from powering up many players and actually engaging in the way I like playing "Madden Ultimate Team"- getting the best versions of players I enjoy playing with that the game has to offer and see what I can do online. Again, I accepted it for what it was and moved on with playing the game but the recent upgrades that have caused players to change positions is just wrong and I believe the community needs to voice that this truly is not ok.

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