So now I'm stuck. I've been playing since start of season 4 or so on PS4 and kinda grinding. Honestly I was a .3 KD guy(terrible I know) and now I'm between 1 and 2. My match high is like 5. Any tips on getting past this? I'm fixing to start dropping in playground and practice with my sense at 8+ or and ADS at .40+ and get used it. I usually drop Lazy on the outside and work in so that's part of the problem in low K/D but when I clear it I'll die usually to somebody that isn't a god. Any tips? Just start dropping Tilted or maybe Retail?
So now I'm stuck. I've been playing since start of season 4 or so on PS4 and kinda grinding. Honestly I was a .3 KD guy(terrible I know) and now I'm between 1 and 2. My match high is like 5. Any tips on getting past this? I'm fixing to start dropping in playground and practice with my sense at 8+ or and ADS at .40+ and get used it. I usually drop Lazy on the outside and work in so that's part of the problem in low K/D but when I clear it I'll die usually to somebody that isn't a god. Any tips? Just start dropping Tilted or maybe Retail?