Every situation different and every team is different. I run 3-4 with massive pass rush and press corners. If I am blitzing using pinch buck 0, I user the MLB thats not blitzing. Why, anyone that knows I am blitzing will most likely do crossing pattern ( because thats how you beat pinch buck 0) and as the MLB user you can get picks from them rushing the throw. If I am doing anything else I user the SS and bring him up close to stop any stretches but if I see no stretch I starting running him to cover receivers that are breaking open. Is it perfect no but if you play casually like me it works a lot and I am not stressing about not knowing every formation and plays. I don't know if this will work for everyone but it work for my team. Moving to learn more big dime because that's been working for me to stop more scramble QB than 3-4.
Usually if I'm using the linebacker I'll stay still for a sec if it's a pass and wait to see what routes develop. Then I usually just sprint unless I'm in a good position already. If it's a run I click on right stick as that run commits after the snap and then try get the tackle.
Good luck getting help anymore. Because of money being such a big part of mut all the people that were chill like that are gone and all that's left are a bunch of duechebags who are trying to make money or or trying to justify how much they spent by winning so they sure af ain't helping
Hello Mutheads. I wonder why nobody else really talks about this aspect of the game. After the snap, do you guys hold strafe or sprint? Or do you try to time the snap? I have tried all 3 and results vary. What do you do after the snap? Vs a single back stretch right? What about a i form play action scissors? I used mlb and sometimes the safety and I have found the best success holding strafe at the snap, I usually take one step up in case of the run and it is a run, I then hit sprint to move to the direction of the ball carrier and when I get close I tap strafe again while spamming conservative tackle. And if it’s a pass, I take the step, hit the sprint, try to take away the first read, tap l2 while in the area of whichever reciever makes a break in his route over the middle. Am I doing it right? Do you guys play it differently depending on if you’re running a man play or a zone play? Do you think the opponents qb matters?