
Blocking recivers best stats?

What are the best stats to have on a WR to have him block better?


Stats for the blocking formula ar 60% RBK + 22.5% STR + 17.5% Weight.

Impact block adds a modifier when your moving at more than a jog. Lead block is used on FBs for targeting logic.


Thx BBbrewer I was eyeing ED and white. What I am curios really is RBK a fictional stat like RBP and RBF. Also is LBK stat only good for screens and IBL have any use on receiver what is considered open field block? Just try to understand the concept for later in season.

Also to the fella below nobody can just run stretch all game and win. If they win they deserve to because the opponent did not learn how to stop it in practice mode. 2nd no I don't plan on running stretch all game but to understand a concept and players that work best I want to sub those players in for the strongest effect.

Edited by oppunion


Guessing pass/run block and strength


Ed mcc, roddy w, julio,


I will tell you if your not just asking so u can run stretch all game