
PA Crosses....

Been having a little difficulty lately dealing with the Pa crossing gamers. Some games i shut it down and some i dont. This last game i lost in the playoffs to a guy that ran Pa crosses 70% of the time and sweeps 30% of the time. I knew every time it was coming but as soon as he hiked the ball all my guys would freeze for a half a second.  Ravens defense is my playbook. Does any body have any advice or strategy to offer so I can add it to my arsenal. Thank you for your imput.


I love those corner routes on my offense. Using Noah Fant or Tyreek Hill it almost is unstoppable!


I've heard that deep quartering the far side corner works too. I dont like to user the crosser because the post next to it sometimes gets open, or they throw the ball shallow.

I like big nickle over G, cover 3 Sky, deep quarter the far corner (Y+Y+B+right stick to the left), shade outside, and man one of the yellow zone LBs on the crosser. You can also sub in safeties here. Also, crash the line up so the heat comes in. Doesnt work all the time but it helps.

If that doesnt work your best bet is to send heat and user the crosser


Are you on PS4 or Xbox?


Quote from Sr71nightstalker >> Thankyou



UBig Nickel Over g crash line up or crash to the side of the 3 tech DT you will get a pseudo stunt and block shed animation most of the time. Sub in one of your safeties at LB and cross man him to the WR and then Cross man a safety to the other Wr. 

User your other LB hold the middle of the field down. And bump one of the crossing routes this usually ends up slowing both routes down. And follower the crosser that looks like it will get some separation. By this time you should have gotten a sack. 

Or just 5 -6 heat at him. 

34 odd. Any play. I have many set ups for this blitz. 

But base align  spread linebackers Show blitz Globally blitz all lbers Crash line anyway you want, I usually crash towards the weak side or crash down Now you cb on the wide side of the field will lineup inside or the wr you need to either man him or manually mover up and over the WR or you will get smoked deep.


Been having a little difficulty lately dealing with the Pa crossing gamers. Some games i shut it down and some i dont. This last game i lost in the playoffs to a guy that ran Pa crosses 70% of the time and sweeps 30% of the time. I knew every time it was coming but as soon as he hiked the ball all my guys would freeze for a half a second.  Ravens defense is my playbook. Does any body have any advice or strategy to offer so I can add it to my arsenal. Thank you for your imput.