Been having a little difficulty lately dealing with the Pa crossing gamers. Some games i shut it down and some i dont. This last game i lost in the playoffs to a guy that ran Pa crosses 70% of the time and sweeps 30% of the time. I knew every time it was coming but as soon as he hiked the ball all my guys would freeze for a half a second. Ravens defense is my playbook. Does any body have any advice or strategy to offer so I can add it to my arsenal. Thank you for your imput.
Been having a little difficulty lately dealing with the Pa crossing gamers. Some games i shut it down and some i dont. This last game i lost in the playoffs to a guy that ran Pa crosses 70% of the time and sweeps 30% of the time. I knew every time it was coming but as soon as he hiked the ball all my guys would freeze for a half a second. Ravens defense is my playbook. Does any body have any advice or strategy to offer so I can add it to my arsenal. Thank you for your imput.