i have 3 - 99 speed receivers including OBJ. Even when I go against a h2h opponent several notches below me none of my receivers can ever get open deep. Can’t even get deep against 90ovr oppennents and I know their Dbs can’t be faster than 94/95.
have tried a ton of formations and offensive schemes. I have these great receivers but have no deep game even against lame teams.
My deepest passes are usually crossers to the TE or slot WR. My treat rexeivers do nothing all game and aren’t a threat.
Besides selling off my team and calling it a day how how can I get deep on someone in h2h?????
i have 3 - 99 speed receivers including OBJ. Even when I go against a h2h opponent several notches below me none of my receivers can ever get open deep. Can’t even get deep against 90ovr oppennents and I know their Dbs can’t be faster than 94/95.
have tried a ton of formations and offensive schemes. I have these great receivers but have no deep game even against lame teams.
My deepest passes are usually crossers to the TE or slot WR. My treat rexeivers do nothing all game and aren’t a threat.
Besides selling off my team and calling it a day how how can I get deep on someone in h2h?????