Question on upgrading chemistry for players...when you upgrade each chemistry for a card, do you need to also upgrade # of players in order for that chemistry to be in effect??
Need some help understanding how to use chemistry upgrades
1 Component of Sprinter costs 1000 TP 2 Components costs 2500 TP Have a good day!
10 components = +1 Speed 20 components = +1 Speed and +1 Accel 30 components = +2 Speed and +1 Accel
Quote from BenzOn22s >> @StickWrok7
Just learning this Chemistry i now why some teams seems so superior even with my 99 cards!
No worries bro
Just learning this Chemistry i now why some teams seems so superior even with my 99 cards!
Quote from BenzOn22s >> @StickWork7
So if my card is a 99 which can have 4 slots, i need to buy the 4x? or can i just buy the 0x ( which is the cheapest and still do the trick )?
Really depends on what you're trying to do, the lower the "x" the more players you need to fulfill the tier requirements
So if my card is a 99 which can have 4 slots, i need to buy the 4x? or can i just buy the 0x ( which is the cheapest and still do the trick )?
Quote from BenzOn22s >> What is the reason for x4, x3, x2 levels?
It's just means that, that one specific card can fulfill more slots to get to higher chem tiers.
Although I still believe, this chemistry thing is not needed. But I guess an additional aspect to the game to make it more challenging.
What I don't get is how I can throw a over the head ball to my WR or a fade in the endzone easily in Solo's but can NEVER do it in H2H in MUT if i'm playing players like yourself who know the Ins and outs of the game. That is the frustration. How my players perform differently depending on who I play.
Thanks! This was very helpful!.
I was surprised you would help, but much appreciated.
When you're applying a chemistry to your player, it says how many components are needed to activate a certain tier (and what boosts will your player get once the tier is activated):
See, I have Tier 4 Go Deep activated, as I have 20 GD components, and I need 5 more to activate Tier 5 to get additional +1 throw power, beat press and break sack.
The same information can be found on the right side of the lineup screen. Here, we see that I have 20 GD components, Tier 4 is active, and if we press the right stick we'll see what boosts we're getting from that chemistry.
In order to receive certain boosts a player must wear that specific chemistry. Some players (Team Diamonds and Rising Stars) can wear 2 different chemistries.
Question on upgrading chemistry for players...when you upgrade each chemistry for a card, do you need to also upgrade # of players in order for that chemistry to be in effect??
Need some help understanding how to use chemistry upgrades