Posted by tfancil tfancil5 years ago

Stopping the cheesy scramble and out throws?

What defense works against all these punks that run all around and throw out routs to the receiver that questionably catches passes on the sidelines? I’m tired of chasing and seeing these catches time and time again no matter what defense I run! I have to spy or they take off with either Vick, Jackson, Murray, etc... Really frustrating crap!


Man coverage, spy the MLB, and user the corner route on the side the QB rolls out to


What pre-snap adjustments do you use?


It's driving me insane as well.

It's ridiculous that the line loses contain so easily and these tools are able to scramble out of the pocket and launch a pass with my guy draped on him and they come down with a 50 yard pass. The probability in real life is absurd, yet in madden works 90% of the time.

Not to mention that a lot of times my secondary is just standing there looking like idiots as they are not reacting to the obvious open receiver.


Spy your MLB and user the corner route on the side the QB rolls out to. It’s straight cheese


There are a few vids on youtube that may help...though nothing is foolproof....I still have note found a 4-3 scheme that stops the roll out dashing deadeye throws..