

I noticed almost everybody on Youtube does that.

Whats the profit by doing that und how do I base align?

Thx for the help! :)


Good info


Alright thx for the information :)


Lol you get destroyed over top because your corners go into a press technique. It’s good when you’re blitzing or you’re expecting a run because it brings a safety in the box. I would recommend manually moving your corners back but that would take too long lol. Try shading overtop when you do it or  double teaming the safeties on the WRs. Again, this is just speculation not a proven method


Is show blitz useful on plays you're actually blitzing or is it for plays you're not blitzing.  Seems I got destroyed over top when I use it.


Base align makes your defense come out aligned just how they are in the play art.

Its useful because your opponent can sometimes predict what defense you are based on ore play alignment. For instance, when you come out in an UN-BASE ALIGNED cover 3 shell, your defense will have a single high safety and one in the box. If I’m on offense, I’ll guess you’re in cover 3 or cover 1, and scheme up a beater.

However, if you base align, the safeties would be aligned normally, and one might guess you’re in cover 2, or just be completely unable to predict until you snap.

From my experience, The cons of base aligning is when you’re up against formations where the receivers are stacked to one side, like trips TE.