
Opinions on Dline

So I just powered up Khalil Mack using 17k in training but now I am not sure where to play him.

I just assumed he was going to be better then D. Ware but Ware actually has slightly better numbers and it didn't dawn on me that Ware can't sub in as a rush DT.

I mostly run 3-4 Odd and Big Nickel Over G. 

In Big Nickel I am probably going with L Taylor (DE), Alan Page (DT,) Mack (DT) and Ware (DE) but not sure what to do when I play a 3-4.

I have Derrick Brooks and Myles Jack starting at OLB and I usually sub in Taylor and Ware at DE with Page in the middle but that leaves Mack on the bench.  Figuring I could move some guys around to get extra heat if needed but don't really want Taylor or Ware in coverage.

Is using Mack at DT a waste or should I just roll with what I am doing? 

Thanks for any advice.


Mack is fine at DT. I prefer him there actually - that way I can have more speed on my d line.

I have ST on him and he plays like hes 300 lbs.


i play strahan and myles garret as pass rush DTs. have no problems stuffing the run either. Since you already blew your wad on mack i suggest removing page


So I just powered up Khalil Mack using 17k in training but now I am not sure where to play him.

I just assumed he was going to be better then D. Ware but Ware actually has slightly better numbers and it didn't dawn on me that Ware can't sub in as a rush DT.

I mostly run 3-4 Odd and Big Nickel Over G. 

In Big Nickel I am probably going with L Taylor (DE), Alan Page (DT,) Mack (DT) and Ware (DE) but not sure what to do when I play a 3-4.

I have Derrick Brooks and Myles Jack starting at OLB and I usually sub in Taylor and Ware at DE with Page in the middle but that leaves Mack on the bench.  Figuring I could move some guys around to get extra heat if needed but don't really want Taylor or Ware in coverage.

Is using Mack at DT a waste or should I just roll with what I am doing? 

Thanks for any advice.