Man I gotta rant a lil more :lol: I pay for trash pick-up and I have lived in my town for decades and today the trash guys changed their route and came an hour earlier. They were at my next door neighbors house (the only people who had their trash out) when I went outside an I said did you guys change your route and they said yes and took off! WTF so I called the town utilities and complained and they said they would be back but they just drove by and still didn't pick up my 2 bags of trash. Man, these m'fers act like they are doing me a favor and I pay for the damn service.....rant over!
Man I gotta rant a lil more :lol: I pay for trash pick-up and I have lived in my town for decades and today the trash guys changed their route and came an hour earlier. They were at my next door neighbors house (the only people who had their trash out) when I went outside an I said did you guys change your route and they said yes and took off! WTF so I called the town utilities and complained and they said they would be back but they just drove by and still didn't pick up my 2 bags of trash. Man, these m'fers act like they are doing me a favor and I pay for the damn service.....rant over!