Quote from JurisDoctor >> Quote from gohogsgo71 >> Of course, if they "missed", call the office and make a request. Be nice and courteous. Remember, these folks are just doing a job that they most likely don't love and don't get paid much to do.
Pro tip: Use honey instead of vinegar. I tip everyone that does services for me, but also including the trash guys. If you can, meet them at the street, and simply hand them and envelope each with the simple words "thank you". Inside, put cash (I typically put $40-60). And then thank them verbally. From that point forward, they will go out of your way to make sure you are taken care of and treat you first class. Have a bit more than what fits in the can? No worries. Extra brush? No worries. Need something big like a fridge gone (and have no way to haul it or pay the $100 fee of whatever it is)? Put it there and they will make sure it goes (they call their buddies). I've even had them get out of the truck and knock on my door when I forgot one time.
Quote from gohogsgo71 >> Of course, if they "missed", call the office and make a request. Be nice and courteous. Remember, these folks are just doing a job that they most likely don't love and don't get paid much to do.
Pro tip: Use honey instead of vinegar. I tip everyone that does services for me, but also including the trash guys. If you can, meet them at the street, and simply hand them and envelope each with the simple words "thank you". Inside, put cash (I typically put $40-60). And then thank them verbally. From that point forward, they will go out of your way to make sure you are taken care of and treat you first class. Have a bit more than what fits in the can? No worries. Extra brush? No worries. Need something big like a fridge gone (and have no way to haul it or pay the $100 fee of whatever it is)? Put it there and they will make sure it goes (they call their buddies). I've even had them get out of the truck and knock on my door when I forgot one time.
Of course, if they "missed", call the office and make a request. Be nice and courteous. Remember, these folks are just doing a job that they most likely don't love and don't get paid much to do.
Pro tip: Use honey instead of vinegar. I tip everyone that does services for me, but also including the trash guys. If you can, meet them at the street, and simply hand them and envelope each with the simple words "thank you". Inside, put cash (I typically put $40-60). And then thank them verbally. From that point forward, they will go out of your way to make sure you are taken care of and treat you first class. Have a bit more than what fits in the can? No worries. Extra brush? No worries. Need something big like a fridge gone (and have no way to haul it or pay the $100 fee of whatever it is)? Put it there and they will make sure it goes (they call their buddies). I've even had them get out of the truck and knock on my door when I forgot one time.
Quote from diimsday1044 >> If it doesent work call your mayor or town supervisors office and they isually will make a call for you and that will get it done
This is a really good idea
Throw your trash in your neighbor's garbage can and problem solved! :grin:
Quote from wizardsblood >> Quote from USAManOfWar >> how crazy you think I looked running outside with the cell recording those guys :lol: they probably were like this dudes serious about his trash
you're going to show up on some website and you'll be called trashcan Carl or something
Quote from USAManOfWar >> how crazy you think I looked running outside with the cell recording those guys :lol: they probably were like this dudes serious about his trash
you're going to show up on some website and you'll be called trashcan Carl or something
how crazy you think I looked running outside with the cell recording those guys :lol: they probably were like this dudes serious about his trash
Quote from WaltzerWhite >> Trash days are the worse. Sometimes they show up at 6 am other times 10am. Doesn't help our HOA is now fining ppl for putting garbage out to early the night before.
have you thought about asking your HOA to eat some turds?
Trash days are the worse. Sometimes they show up at 6 am other times 10am. Doesn't help our HOA is now fining ppl for putting garbage out to early the night before.
Quote from USAManOfWar >> 1840's :shock: it's almost as old as the state itself
Quote from USAManOfWar >> :lol: yeah it does. those trash guys decided to be funny and drove by my house again and didn't get the trash then they came back picked it up and laid on their horn. I ran outside with my cell recording their actions :lol: Just in case they try to start crap. I live in a small town and it can get pretty dicey when you go up against these ancient creatures running this town. they can be shady and try to use ordinances to get back at u. Just last month I had to trim a few branches off my tree that's by the ally because they were lower than 14ft. meanwhile all my neighbors tree's branches are lower than 14ft. I have a historic home and it's protected by law and the historical society so they can't get me on building code but they try to get me on silly stuff like tree branches. I inherited my home and these old f'ers have never liked my young (relatively) self owning it.
If it doesent work call your mayor or town supervisors office and they isually will make a call for you and that will get it done
:lol: yeah it does. those trash guys decided to be funny and drove by my house again and didn't get the trash then they came back picked it up and laid on their horn. I ran outside with my cell recording their actions :lol: Just in case they try to start crap. I live in a small town and it can get pretty dicey when you go up against these ancient creatures running this town. they can be shady and try to use ordinances to get back at u. Just last month I had to trim a few branches off my tree that's by the ally because they were lower than 14ft. meanwhile all my neighbors tree's branches are lower than 14ft. I have a historic home and it's protected by law and the historical society so they can't get me on building code but they try to get me on silly stuff like tree branches. I inherited my home and these old f'ers have never liked my young (relatively) self owning it.
the other day i heard this loud bang sound and didn't have a chance to go check on it, a few days later i remembered and went to inspect what it might have been as it came from the basement. I looked around and could figure it out until i noticed one of the pipes from the old radiator was missing (when my house got upgraded the losers left pipes for the old system in the basement) the pipe that fell out was under mysunroom and when it fell it ripped out a huge portion of tackboard and insulation not i have to get on my knees and go under there and put up new insulation and tackboard SOON as fall is no in full swing and i can't be affording the uptick in heating costs i would get crushed with if i chose to be lazy.
Adulting sucks
:lol: that gif is the trash guys laughing hahaha. I'm good, just fired me up cause they didn't wait and just took off :lol:
But in all seriousness, that's really annoying. People can be pretty inconsiderate at times. Just serves as a reminder to not be that kind of person. Keep calling the office until they come to get it. Like you said, you pay for them to do the job. It should have been communicated to residents prior to prevent such occurrences. Hope it gets sorted for ya. Don't let the bs ruin your day.
Man I gotta rant a lil more :lol: I pay for trash pick-up and I have lived in my town for decades and today the trash guys changed their route and came an hour earlier. They were at my next door neighbors house (the only people who had their trash out) when I went outside an I said did you guys change your route and they said yes and took off! WTF so I called the town utilities and complained and they said they would be back but they just drove by and still didn't pick up my 2 bags of trash. Man, these m'fers act like they are doing me a favor and I pay for the damn service.....rant over!