
What is the Alpha Male thing to do?

I was seeing this girl kind of just going on dates nothing serious. We slept together then a few days later went out again and hands a guy her phone takes his number and sets a date through text right in front of me. They never went out and she could have been testing me, but I told her I don't care what she does on her own time, but to do that right in front of me was disrespectful as F**k along with the fact that she had been telling me how much she liked and I tried to kiss her and she gave me the cheek. I told her I didn't want to be friends and to get a hold of me if she decided she wanted some type of romantic relationship. This me have come off weak since I confronted her I'm not sure. She did message me 2 days later and kept liking my fb post. So I figured I didn't come off too weak I suppose. So since she hit me up i figured it meant she wanted to see me. I tried to set a date and got stood up. How would you guys have handled it in Alpha Male terms?

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