Happy birthday, man! One of the best members I've had the pleasure of getting to know on here. Like I told you in our PM awhile ago, keep your head up and keep moving in. The only way to get to better things is by getting there yourself. I believe in you,man.
Well, it's my b-day hip hip hooray. Turned 15. But I got a regents test today (3 hour test), x just died, still in Fathers day aftermath etc.... that's great. Welp. Here's a link to a giveaway I'm doing for my bday - https://www.muthead.com/forums/mh-credits/mh-credit-discussion/1371438-a-birthday-giveaway-2-mhc
Well, it's my b-day hip hip hooray. Turned 15. But I got a regents test today (3 hour test), x just died, still in Fathers day aftermath etc.... that's great. Welp. Here's a link to a giveaway I'm doing for my bday - https://www.muthead.com/forums/mh-credits/mh-credit-discussion/1371438-a-birthday-giveaway-2-mhc