Quote from panduh18 >>
Quote from TheFit1 >> GUYS......WI-FI is BACK!!! EVERYTHING IS RESOLVED!!!
its not :(
Quote from TheFit1 >> GUYS......WI-FI is BACK!!! EVERYTHING IS RESOLVED!!!
its not :(
I’m not sure what your implying when you say “some things aren’t meant to be...” but if you’re talking about something along the lines of how you weren’t meant to be in your family or something, then that’s not true at all. Everything that has happened so far is for a good reason. It may not seem like it, but trust me, it is.
Quote from verdunbuldogs >>
Quote from panduh18 >> I'm fine guys. I had to go back or police would have to be called and such...still a lot of tension....wi-fi is down....we'll get through it i think
glad to hear. Stay strong kid. Ya want your mhc back?
nah all good
Quote from JMCINSANITY >>
Quote from panduh18 >> I'm fine guys. I had to go back or police would have to be called and such...still a lot of tension....wi-fi is down....we'll get through it i think
Wish you the best man, hope the situation gets resolved. No matter what happens, never be scared to do what is right. You'll get through this.
Quote from panduh18 >> I'm fine guys. I had to go back or police would have to be called and such...still a lot of tension....wi-fi is down....we'll get through it i think
glad to hear. Stay strong kid. Ya want your mhc back?
Quote from panduh18 >> I'm fine guys. I had to go back or police would have to be called and such...still a lot of tension....wi-fi is down....we'll get through it i think
We decided to kick you from the League too. Figured you might want a fresh start everywhere. I hear Tibet is nice this time of year.
Quote from panduh18 >> I'm fine guys. I had to go back or police would have to be called and such...still a lot of tension....wi-fi is down....we'll get through it i think
Wish you the best man, hope the situation gets resolved. No matter what happens, never be scared to do what is right. You'll get through this.
I'm fine guys. I had to go back or police would have to be called and such...still a lot of tension....wi-fi is down....we'll get through it i think
Hey man sorry to hear that, hope things work out. Great advice from people above. Your my favourite muthead poster if it makes a difference!?!
Quote from styxdog >> I feel like these are song lyrics
I was just about the say the same thing.
I won't ask for specifics, but do you feel that whatever happened between you and your parents justified this? Like in your opinion, were you correct or were they correct in whatever argument happened? If you feel that maybe part of this was your fault, maybe try to settle things with them? After all, they are your parents, no matter whatever problem arose, they don't want to see your dead body sent back to them, you know what I mean? Get to a friend's house first, then think about your next move. Good luck, I hope everything works out bro!
Quote from OhCaptain20 >> Panduh, I said this in the GroupMe chat so I hope you see it. Muthead is a great place to vent and grieve and even receive emotional support, but that is it. There isn't much anyone can do for you in "real life". I do not know what is going on with you, nor do I want to know the details, but this shit is serious. If you and your parents have disagreed over the house rules or had a falling out, work to fix it. If you have left home on your own, GO BACK.
If they have in fact kicked you out, there isn't a damn thing fate will do for you. Time to step up and call the police or corresponding child advocacy center. New York state laws on abuse or neglect of children are not a joke. They take it seriously. Your parents can be cited for child abandonment, non support of child in the 1st degree, or non support of a child in the 2nd degree.
My thoughts are with you Panduh and I am hoping this is just a temporary situation. I'm praying that everything works out for you. Hang in there.
Panduh, I said this in the GroupMe chat so I hope you see it. Muthead is a great place to vent and grieve and even receive emotional support, but that is it. There isn't much anyone can do for you in "real life". I do not know what is going on with you, nor do I want to know the details, but this shit is serious. If you and your parents have disagreed over the house rules or had a falling out, work to fix it. If you have left home on your own, GO BACK.
If they have in fact kicked you out, there isn't a damn thing fate will do for you. Time to step up and call the police or corresponding child advocacy center. New York state laws on abuse or neglect of children are not a joke. They take it seriously. Your parents can be cited for child abandonment, non support of child in the 1st degree, or non support of a child in the 2nd degree.
My mother booted me out 31 years ago, haven't seen her since. My father however took me in and raised me. He was no joke and I got my ass whipped many times. Thought about leaving a few times, never did. Glad I stayed. Some of us are dealt horrible hands for parents, not sure how your are, but like I said if they are just trying to be strict, deal with it and work it out. If they really are kicking you out to fend for yourself, they deserve to have a visit from DFS or NYPD. No judgement, just don't wander the streets looking for sympathy. Act on it.
Try apologizing to your parents, I don't think they'll permanently kick you out at 14. What could've you done that was that bad, but good luck
When theres no place to go and no person to look to what do you do? Maybe it wasn't meant to work out, for you. People get lucky, but that just means some people get unlucky. But at what point do people call this fate? Are some people meant to clean the streets? Some people meant to sleep on the streets. Some meant to just roam the streets until you cant roam anymore. You're not a kid. You can support yourself. Or can you? Does this happen in life to weed out the weak people? Not everyone can be strong. Some people will always have to be weak. Maybe, you are one of those people. Maybe, you're not cut out for this. Maybe, some things aren't meant to be