Quote from bobbert152 >> salad is such a vague term it seems.
Its like a Catch in the NFL anymore. No one knows what it is
Quote from jakep316 >> I saw a kid putting ketchup on their salad at a restaurant once
Did you call the police?
Quote from JurisDoctor >>
Quote from jakep316 >> ce)
Like can't we come up with a better word for it? Quote this post if you agree
The word "salad" means a dish with little pieces of food. So, I think it's fitting.
Is cereal a salad?!?!?!?
Quote from jakep316 >> ce)
Like can't we come up with a better word for it? Quote this post if you agree
The word "salad" means a dish with little pieces of food. So, I think it's fitting.
For the record I love Chicken "salad" and Potato "salad". I just hate the names
This just made me hungry for chicken salad, taco salad, and I could even go for potato salad!
He also let me and my brother eat dog biscuits. I forget if it was his idea or not though
One time when i stayed over my grandparents as a kid, they got cereal for me but ran out of milk, so my grandpa poured apple juice in my cereal instead lol
Quote from bobbert152 >> I make salad with grilled chicken all the time with my fiancee and I hate that I have to word it that way to not be confused with chicken salad.
Quote from Kinky >>
Quote from Staubach12 >> From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
sal·ad \ˈsa-ləd\ noun
1 : any of various
Quote from Staubach12 >> From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
sal·ad \ˈsa-ləd\ noun
1 : any of various usually cold dishes: such as a : raw greens (such as lettuce) oftencombined with
From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
sal·ad \ˈsa-ləd\ noun
1 : any of various usually cold dishes: such as a : raw greens (such as lettuce) oftencombined with other vegetables and toppings and served especially withdressing b : small pieces of food (such
Like can't we come up with a better word for it? Quote this post if you agree