Quote from LSUmc >> Visa giftcards can be used everywhere Visa is accepted.
Visa. It's everywhere you want to be.
Buying a gift card for yourself is a good idea so no credit card information is put onto the Xbox network. My brother was stuck in the same situation and he did buy the actual Xbox gift card to also enjoy the extra features that come along with that. Shop online to enjoy the multiplayer gaming and free game downloads.
Quote from TheCheapBoyz >> I am going to try as a normal gift card then a credit card if i can
Use it like you would a credit card as I previously stated, Just like if you went to the store and swiped it to purchase goods or services, or these days insert that stupid chip. From there you'll make your purchase it will charge to that card, and once the balance is depleted it will decline the payment method, If its reloadable, I would keep it for that purpose.
Quote from jjmanning >> Add it to the xbox like you would add a credit/debt card.
^^ If it lets you add it, then when it asks for payment method, just choose your gift card. I'm sure it will work though tbh because I think all visa cards are accepted. Hopefully it works.
Quote from EA8991 >> Quote from unleashedfury47 >> Quote from TheCheapBoyz >>
Quote from unleashedfury47 >> Quote from TheCheapBoyz >> Hello. I have a TD Bank gift card and no xbox gift card. Want to buy Fortnite battle pass bad but the only way I can get it is with that gift card. Would I be able to directly to put the gift card on XBOX or do I need to buy an actual xbox gift card?
Is the Gift Card a VIsa/MC Check Card? If so you would add it like you would a Credit card to your Xbox Acct.
Quote from TheCheapBoyz >> Quote from unleashedfury47 >> Quote from TheCheapBoyz
Quote from unleashedfury47 >> Quote from TheCheapBoyz >> Hello. I have a TD Bank gift card and no xbox gift card. Want to buy Fortnite battle pass bad but the only way I can get it is with that gift card. Would I be able to directly to put the gift card on XBOX or do I need to buy an actual xbox gift card?
Is the Gift Card a VIsa/MC Check Card? If so you would add it like you would a Credit card to your Xbox Acct.
Quote from TheCheapBoyz >> Hello. I have a TD Bank gift card and no xbox gift card. Want to buy Fortnite battle pass bad but the only way I can get it is with that gift card. Would I be able to directly to put the gift card on XBOX or do I need to buy an actual xbox gift card?
Is the Gift Card a VIsa/MC Check Card? If so you would add it like you would a Credit card to your Xbox Acct.
Hello. I have a TD Bank gift card and no xbox gift card. Want to buy Fortnite battle pass bad but the only way I can get it is with that gift card. Would I be able to directly to put the gift card on XBOX or do I need to buy an actual xbox gift card?