
So...How Many Clean Wipes?

I dunno man it's 3 aM and im bored but I Had this memory from like 3 weeks ago or soumthing like that. SO like I was in the bathroom on my phone cuz like thats the only place you can phone yaknow? But i wasn't doing doing drugs or vaping lik thu other kids do. DONT DO THE WEED KIDS. Yeee I said "the weed" haha inside joke. But like I hear two guys in stalls next to each other and one asks "Bro how many clean wipes do you take before finishing?" and I'm just standing there like wtf lol what the hell is dis guy saying. But the guy next to him says 2 and IM Like bro 2...2??? wtf but I done say anything aloud cuz like im minding my business playing madden and all... but like 2 wipes? Is this normal or am i like crazy...but like i need 0 wipes hahahahhzhzhahah

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