I do not entirely believe in this post. Then again Jostens made my class ring and growing up OC livin you best believe that thing was shinier than you’d imagine.
Nice....never seen that, but i did get a state championship ring from jostens in 04
I don't remember that at all and I won multiple Super Bowls in franchise mode in 08, that was all I ever played. Then again, Eagles hadn't won a superbowl then and $150 would have been a lot of money to me in 08, so maybe I just didn't pay attention to it? I mean, what self respecting Eagles fan would want a Giants SB right ? :)
If you won your Super Bowl in franchise you got a code where Jostens would make your SB ring for $150. That sounded so cool, and if that ever came back I would definitely get that. Anyone on here ever do that?