
I’m back ❤️

Been a while since I was last on here, and while I don’t feel I need to go into full details on why, all I’ll say is I made mistakes in how I treated some of my friends in HS/College. Nothing in terms of bullying but not being the kind of friend that would be there for them in difficult times. Why I made those choices, only I can answer that. 1 of them I was really close to (almost like a brother to me) and had found out that he didn’t want me to be a part of his life anymore because I wasn’t a true friend in his words was my realization that maybe I was t the good friend I always thought I was.

I decided that I would do my best to make amends with those that I wronged, and that required me stepping away from Madden, the websites and anything else I felt wasn’t as important as this. Do I expect to get everyone’s full forgiveness? No. Do I expect them to at least give me a chance to heal any wounds? I would hope so. I am happy to say the path with a few of them is starting to get rebuilt while others will be taking much smaller baby steps and I’m ok with that. At this time I only needed them to know I’m sorry and want to start over. That goes for anyone on here I may have not been the best member too on here. I look forward to being back on one of the best websites with a great group of people!

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