
Hey everyone wanted to say thank you all and Goodbye

Hey everyone hope has been well and good with everyone and you all had a wonderful Holidays.I wanted to come on here today to clear the Air and make sure everyone hears this from me before anything gets said.As of today this will indeed be last thread/post on MH and i want to tell everyone for the last 6+ years i have had a wonderful time on this site and its been a true pleasure & honor to be here.There comes a time when we all have to move on and do whats best in the long run.This comes with a heavy heart and is not easy to do because of everything i have been through on here good & bad times and the love i have for MH.I have made some truly wonderful friends during my time on here and i want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for everything through the years.

I have many reason why its come time for me to leave(I will not discuss anything in an open thread)because its not needed ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ANY 1 PERSON OR ANYTHING Lets make this very clear, its Many things combined.Muthead will always hold a special place in my heart & this old mans life and i will never forget everything its done for me or the folks on here.I will still be lurking about in the Discord chat but many of you know where i'll be from now own so to anyone that wants to reach out to me anytime please feel free to do so.I have I have no hate for anyone on MH whatsoever.

I want to give a huge shout out to Nick and the entire Mod team past/Presentfor the honor to have worked with you guys and letting me join its been an awesome ride guys.

I wish nothing but the very best for the site and everyone still apart of it going forward.I wish everyone the very best with your MUT adventures for years to come and everything in Madden treats you all the best down the line.Thank you everyone who have made my MUT even more wonderful without many of you i would not be or learned the things i have in this game through the years.This site is what made me get into MUT 100% i have been playing Madden for many years but never got fully into mut until i came across Muthead so thank you so much guys.

Also Mikie will be doing the raffles going forward so be sure and keep a lookout for his thread on when these will return to the site

Much love to everyone always:


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