
Are you for or against the dda dropped picks?

Me personally I am tired of dropping 3-4 picks a game. I get why some will want to keep it. It keeps you in the game. It’s keeps lesser skilled player from quitting mut and less people playing.


If it’s real, get it out of the game as people should be using skill not luck to win games


I had some bad ones after my winning steak...but after my losing steak, my guys were making amazing acrobat picks

Yes...DDA is real


Someone is mad that they suck obviously


If dda was real I might’ve beat u🤔


Yea but it’s not so I doubt you could score on me lol


I doubt it too, but I’ve a better team now so who knows🤷‍♂️


Or their CPU players suck

I understand TS>..same thing happned to me


Hell nah get that shit out the damn game


We have two members for dda dropped picks and two against so far


I had two today that were BAD. Like, user safety... QB throws across body, walk in pick 6...

DROPPED. Same game.

I thought it was just me


Yup...its real

Same thing with me


No it’s rampant, the first ten games of WL I catch every thing and then all the sudden after that my guys can’t even catch a cold. The worst they throw it right at them and I get seat animations, do they thinks this is volleyball?


Bro, every thread you make is about DDA. Why do you post them here? EA is not here on these forums. Nobody here can do anything about DDA if it is or isn't in the game. Why not go to the actual EA forums?

Your questions will get answered there


And the head of muthead is the lead broadcaster of the mcs. How can say ea isn’t here. I guarantee you they have people on Twitter , and Reddit and here trying to gauge the pulse of what’s going on with the players in mut.


Why don’t you post there ? And are you for or against the dda dropped picks? And let’s be honest ea won’t even let the word dda be posted in the twitch streams. That’s how bad they are trying to cover it up.


LMAO I'm not the one posting threads about DDA on a forum that can't do anything about it if it were in the game. The EA forums are your best bet as to getting an answer about your concern tho. Flooding this on Muthead serves literally no purpose. I'm not arguing for or against DDA. I actually did use to post on the EA forums back in the day. As well as Operation Sports before I found Muthead


"founder of muthead" trolling every DDA thread. It's a good look. Dude starts a thread, you have nothing to contribute except make fun of him and tell him to go to another site.


What exactly is there to contribute, moores? Trolling? I told him to go to an actual EA forum where his questions are better served. Nobody can do ANYTHING about DDA on Muthead.


Ummm pretty sure he will get much more traction here than EA. And you know that too and why you gave that advice. His thread will get deleted on EA by request of their legal team. "Founder" of MH is the forum bully calling everyone names and taking jabs. I feel bad for you.


I got it your for the dda int


He's just terrible at the game and needs to bitch


Any tips on blocking vs a 3 man rush vs 6 or 7. Am I using the wrong technique? I’ll rush 6 and it will be picked up and they are getting instant pressure with 3 so what techniques can use? Thanks in advanced.


Yeah I am bad at the game. If just took my db’s and got them on the jugs machine I’ll just start catching picks right?